Monica Chinazzo

Monica Chinazzo Monica Chinazzo

Iscritto dal
Categoria: Musicisti

Websites: My Space Music 

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Visualizzazioni profilo: 1508

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Data di nascita: 17/04/1971
Residenza: TREVISO - TV

Monica was born in April, 17th 1971 in a family where the music did represent the wawe to surf on in life: a grandpa violinist, a great-uncle pianist, great-grandparents lyric singers, modern music trends rightly introduced in parents: her father was a "Jaguar" member in Treviso in the 60es; mother rock&roll dancer and jazz great enthusiast. She wanted to play piano, but at the end she started play guitar and sing in various choruses. Year '93, she starts to study at Blue Note (Treviso) with Valeria Bruniera improving her standard and jazz singing skills and meets the guitar player Luciano Bottos. This way she enters as chorister to "Panna", the group where Bottos plays in and wich performs rock covers. Year '96, a various activities parenthesis opens: one year of piano bar, Castrocaro Festival in '97 e '98 reaching semi finals, chorist on the Antilabè group where Valeria Bruniera sings in (is from 1997 their cd "Dedalo" release) and an antique music poliphonic chorus in '99. Year 2000 to 2002 she's in London working for the famous Lloyd's of London and singing in Royal Choral Society of London. In 2003 she's back at school in Italy with Fabrizio Rispoli, perfectioning her singing. She takes part at a seminary with Tiziana Ghiglioni, who inspire her to pursuive her passion even more. In 2010 starts her duo activity with guitar player Lino Brotto, then some passage with a quartet group (Berto, Bottos and Liziero, later with Vettoretti). September 2011 she starts a project with musician and producer Simone Chivilò and the author Claudio Valente (Heart Hmp): with them she releases her first CD wich will be presented at the Mirik Café of Carbonera, Treviso the 14th of April 2012. At present time Monica sings in 4et , and as well in duo with Luciano Bottos. .

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